Offer Partners Guided Learning Gamification
Custom theme, structured learning campaigns enhance partner experiences, encourage higher engagement levels and achieve better retention levels.
Incremental milestones will make your modules easier to approach and will help optimize your partner/product onboarding life cycle.
My Enablement Tools
The My Enablement platform will help increase partner participation by delivering guided learning milestones, periodic assessments, automatic cadence reminders and real-time engagement tracking.
Platform Highlights
Partner Tasks
AI Task Management ToolsBoost Revenue
Bottom Line GrowthPartner Registration
Built-in Onboarding ToolsEnablement Experts
25+/Yrs. Sales EnablementBranded Structured Learning
My Enablement offers turnkey sales enablement training solutions that are designed to enhance partner participation, elevate product knowledge, drive revenue growth and provide performance insights through structured learning plans.
Campaign Themes & Gamification
Custom Branding Tools
- Integrate Corporate Branding
- Create Custom Themes
- Offer Multiple Learning Tracks
- Enhance Partner Experiences
Partner Tools
Participants are provided with easy-to-access tools that keep them engaged during your campaign. Task gamification and leaderboard modes will help keep your campaigns interesting.
Engaging Program Tools
Keeping it interesting...
- Milestone & Task Oriented Objectives
- Leaderboard and Self-Paced Learning Modes
- Real-Time Engagement Analytics
- Point-Based & Deal($)-Based Options
Platform Automation
The My Enablement platform provides Automated as well as AI/Gen processes that save program managers time and resources.
Automated Processes & AI
Built-in Campaign Tools...
- Automatic Partner Milestone Reminders
- Weekly (AI/Gen) Summary Emails
- Built-in Announcement Tools
- Automatic Campaign Cadence Monitoring
Campaign Management
As a Program Manager, you have a number of tasks to stay on top of throughout your campaign. My Enablement includes tools that will help keep your campaign on schedule.
Built-in Management Tools
Keeping Your Campaign On Track...
- AI/Gen Campaign Manager Task Cadence
- Built-in Partner Registration Tools
- Integrated Team Announcements & Reminders
- Real-Time Dashboards & Reporting
Reporting, Exports & Integration
The My Enablement platform has numerous ways to view, monitor and download your campaign data.
Monitoring & Reporting
Your Campaign Data...
- Executive Program Summary Dashboards
- Deal Data Export Tools
- Multi-Campaign Comparison Reports
- CRM & SSO Integration Options